John Michael Talbot - Forever Will I Sing Lyrics

Forever Will I Sing Lyrics

Forever will I sing the goodness of the Lord
Forever will I sing, sing His praises
Forever will I sing the goodness of the Lord
Forever will I sing, sing His praises

I have found my servant David
With my holy oil anointed
My hand shall be with him always
My arm make him strong

My kindness shall always be with him
Through My name, he shall be exalted
He shall always call me his Father
For I am his Savior

Forever Will I Sing Video

Forever Will I Sing Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Forever Will I Sing by John Michael Talbot: A Song of Faith and Praise


Forever Will I Sing is a powerful Christian song by John Michael Talbot that exalts the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord. This blog post will delve into the main key messages of the song, analyze its biblical foundation, and explore the deeper meaning behind its lyrics. Through appropriate subheadings, we will journey through the lines of the song chronologically, uncovering its profound spiritual truths.

Verse 1: The Anointed Servant

The song opens with the lines, "I have found my servant David, with my holy oil anointed. My hand shall be with him always, my arm make him strong." These words resonate with the biblical narrative of King David, who was chosen and anointed by God to be a mighty king over Israel. The reference to the holy oil symbolizes the divine empowerment and favor bestowed upon David.

The key message conveyed in this verse is the faithfulness of God in choosing and anointing His servants. It highlights the promise of God's continuous presence and strength in the lives of those who are faithful to Him. This message serves as a reminder to believers that God's anointing and empowerment are not limited to the biblical era but extend to all who trust in Him.

Chorus: Singing His Praises

The chorus of the song declares, "Forever will I sing the goodness of the Lord, forever will I sing, sing His praises." This simple yet profound declaration encapsulates the heart of the song. It emphasizes the eternal commitment to praise and worship the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness.

By repeating the phrase "sing His praises," the songwriter emphasizes the act of worship as a response to experiencing God's goodness. It reminds believers of the importance of constantly expressing gratitude and adoration to God through praise and worship.

Verse 2: The Kindness of God

The second verse of the song states, "My kindness shall always be with him, through My name, he shall be exalted. He shall always call me his Father, for I am his Savior." These lines reflect the unfailing kindness and love of God towards His people. It highlights the exaltation and honor bestowed upon those who trust in His name.

The key message of this verse is the assurance of God's everlasting kindness and the intimate relationship He desires to have with His children. It emphasizes the role of God as a loving Father and Savior, underscoring the importance of recognizing and proclaiming His lordship in our lives.

Bridge: God's Availability and Willingness to Save

The bridge of the song proclaims, "Every moment of every day, our God is waiting to save. Always ready to seek the lost, to answer those who pray." These words beautifully capture the compassionate and merciful nature of God. It highlights His constant availability and willingness to save and respond to the prayers of His children.

The main message conveyed in this bridge is the incredible love and grace of God, who is ever-present and ready to extend His salvation to all who seek Him. It serves as a reminder to believers that they can approach God with confidence, knowing that He is always attentive to their cries for help and deliverance.

Meaning and Inspiration

The song Forever Will I Sing is inspired by the biblical themes of praise, worship, faithfulness, and salvation. It encourages believers to continually sing praises to God, acknowledging His goodness and faithfulness in their lives. The lyrics express a deep sense of gratitude and awe towards God, reminding listeners of His unwavering love and willingness to save.

The inspiration behind the song can be traced to the personal experiences and encounters of John Michael Talbot. As a renowned Christian musician and songwriter, Talbot has dedicated his life to spreading the message of God's love and grace through his music. It is likely that his own encounters with God's faithfulness and the biblical narratives of praise and worship influenced the composition of this song.

Biblical Analysis

Critically analyzing the biblical foundation of Forever Will I Sing, we find strong biblical references that align with the themes and messages presented in the song. The mention of David as God's anointed servant recalls the biblical account of David's anointing as king in 1 Samuel 16. It emphasizes God's choice and empowerment of His servants.

The focus on praising God for His goodness and faithfulness is deeply rooted in numerous passages of the Bible. Psalm 34:1 says, "I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth." Psalm 89:1 echoes a similar sentiment, stating, "I will sing of the steadfast love of the LORD, forever; with my mouth, I will make known your faithfulness to all generations."

The recognition of God's kindness and His desire to be called Father aligns with the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. In Matthew 6:9, Jesus instructs His disciples to pray to God as "Our Father in heaven." The bridge's emphasis on God's willingness to save and answer prayers is supported by verses such as Jeremiah 33:3, which says, "Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known."


In conclusion, Forever Will I Sing by John Michael Talbot is a beautiful Christian song that encapsulates the themes of praise, worship, faithfulness, and salvation. Its lyrics convey the eternal commitment to sing praises to God and express gratitude for His goodness. The biblical foundation of the song is evident through references to David, the importance of praising God, His kindness and desire to be called Father, and His availability to save and answer prayers.

Through its heartfelt lyrics and powerful melodies, Forever Will I Sing serves as a reminder to believers of the unchanging nature of God and His unwavering love. It encourages them to continually offer their praises and adoration to the One who deserves all honor and glory.

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